Practice English with News

News in easy English

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All easy news stories

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If you would like easier news, please visit
news articles in A2 English.

Thank you for visiting my site. My main goal is to provide people learning English or teaching English with study material.

Reading about current events and news is a great way to improve your language skills. If you enjoy reading the news in easy English, please share the website link with your friends, family and coworkers. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information about my site and simple study ideas, please visit the About page. There is also a section with advice for learning English, information about English tests, and tips for English teachers!

Enjoy learning with easy English News stories!

Practice with News is a website that helps people improve their English skills by reading and listening to Easy English news.

The website offers a variety of features, including:

  • A news feed that displays articles from a variety of sources.
  • A “Listen” button that allows users to listen to articles being read aloud.
  • A “Vocabulary” section that provides definitions of new words and phrases.
  • A “Quiz” section that allows users to test their understanding of the articles.
  • The website is free to use.

The website was created by a language enthusiast who wanted to create a resource that could help people improve their English skills in a fun and engaging way.

The website’s news articles are sourced from a variety of reputable news organizations, including BBC News, The Guardian, and The New York Times.

The website’s “Listen” feature uses natural language processing technology to read the articles aloud in a clear and natural voice.

The website’s “Quiz” section allows users to test their understanding of the articles by answering a series of multiple-choice questions.

Overall, Practice with News is a great resource for people who want to improve their English skills. The website is free to use, easy to navigate, and offers a variety of features that can help users learn new vocabulary and improve their reading comprehension.