Putin wins Russian election

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Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, won a big victory in the recent election. He will now be the leader of Russia until at least 2030. 

Many countries in the West have criticized the election.

The British foreign secretary said that Putin’s government tries to stop anyone who disagrees with him. He also said that Putin controls the media and removes his political opponents, which is not how a democracy should work.

The US State Department said the election was not fair and mentioned that some of Putin’s opponents were put in jail or not allowed to run in the election.

In Germany, a government spokesperson said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz would not congratulate Putin on his win. They believe the election was already decided before it happened.

Putin got 87% of the votes in the election. The Kremlin said this shows that the people of Russia support Putin.

Putin gave a speech after his win and said that he expected the Western countries to criticize the election. He also celebrated the 10th anniversary of when Russia took control of Crimea. He said that Crimea is the “pride of Russia” and has come back to its “native” home.

Some news companies in Russia said that government workers and students were told they had to go to the celebration. This has happened before at similar events in Russia.

Putin got more votes in this election than any other leader in Russia since the Soviet Union ended. Some countries, like China, North Korea and Iran, congratulated Putin on his win.


  • President – A person who is in charge of a country or a company; the top person/leader of a company or country
  • Victory – win; success; achievement; triumph
  • Election – a process or event in which people vote to choose a leader or winner
  • Leader – someone who is in charge of a group, organization or country; a boss or manager; a person who guides, directs, or commands a group
  • At least – The minimum or smallest amount or number of something
  • The West – usually means non-communist countries in Europe, North America, and Oceania
  • Criticize – to judge; to find mistakes or problems with something; to complain or say bad things about
  • British – Something or someone from the United Kingdom (UK)
  • Foreign – from another country; something from outside of your country; belonging or connected to a country that is not your own
  • Foreign secretary – A person in the government who deals/works with other countries
  • Media – News agencies, TV stations, newspapers and magazines
  • Remove – to take out; to take away from; take off; to stop; to eliminate
  • Political – Related to government or public affairs; related to politics and the workings of a country
  • Opponent – a person or group that is against you; a person/group that disagrees or is trying to beat you; enemy; challenger
  • Democracy – A system of government where the people choose leaders by voting;
  • State department – Part of the government that deals/works with foreign countries
  • Fair – to follow or go by the rules or standards; honorable; proper; agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable;
  • Mention – to briefly or quickly talk about something; to say something, but not talk in detail about it
  • Jail – a place where people are held/kept as punishment for a crime; a building for bad people
  • Run in an election – To try to get elected in an election; to promote yourself and try to win an election;
  • Spokesperson – a person who speaks professionally/officially for a company or group
  • Congratulate – To tell someone you’re happy for their success
  • Vote – a choice that someone makes in an election or meeting especially by writing a mark on an official paper or by raising their hand; an act of giving or registering a vote; the official choice that you make in an election; the result of voting
  • Kremlin – = the Russian government; refers to the government of Russia; a group of buildings in Moscow that is now the center of government of Russia
  • Speech – When someone talks to a group of people; a message that someone reads or tells to a group of people
  • Expect – to think something will happen; forecast; predict; suppose
  • Celebrate – to mark or remember an important event, especially with enjoyable activities
  • Anniversary – a special date or day that marks a particular event or occasion, like a wedding or the founding of a company
  • Take control – assume power; gain control; take over
  • Pride – pleasure that comes from some relationship, association, achievement, or possession that is seen as a source of honor, respect or importance; a feeling of happiness and satisfaction because you have done or got something good
  • Native – original; from the area; domestic
  • Celebration – A big happy party or event
  • Soviet UnionA former country/union that was in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Russia was the largest part of the Soviet Union.


Who congratulated Putin on his win?

What percent of the votes did Putin win, according to the passage?

The Kremlin said that the people of Russia support Putin.

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Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think many countries in the West criticized the election?
  • What do you think about the statement that Putin controls the media and removes his political opponents? Do you think your government controls the media in your country?
  • Why do you think some countries congratulated Putin on his win and other countries did not?
  • Should other countries criticize elections held in other countries? Why or why not?

Original Story

Fill-in-the-Blank Listening Practice

Listen to the story (Canadian accent)

Vladimir Putin, the _____ of Russia, won a big victory in the recent _____. He will now be the leader of Russia until at least _____. 

Many countries in the West have _____ the election.

The British foreign secretary said _____ Putin’s government tries to stop anyone who disagrees with _____. He also said that Putin controls the _____ and removes his political opponents, which is not how a _____ should work.

The US State _____ said the election was not fair and mentioned that some of Putin’s opponents _____ put in jail or not allowed to run in the election.

In _____, a government spokesperson said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz would not _____ Putin on his win. They believe the election was already decided _____ it happened.

Putin got _____% of the votes in the election. The Kremlin said this shows that the _____ of Russia support Putin.

Putin gave a _____ after his win and said that he expected the Western _____ to criticize the election. He also celebrated the 10th anniversary of when Russia _____ control of Crimea. He said that Crimea is the “pride of Russia” and has _____ back to its “native” home.

Some news companies in _____ said that government workers and students were told _____ had to go to the celebration. This has _____ before at similar events in Russia.

Putin got more _____ in this election than any other leader in Russia _____ the Soviet Union ended. Some countries, like China, North Korea and _____, congratulated Putin on his win.

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