NASA to create a standard time for the moon

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The White House has asked NASA to create a standard time for the moon and other space bodies. The U.S. wants to set rules in space as more countries and companies are interested in the moon.

NASA was asked to create a plan by 2026 for a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC).

The gravity on the moon and other space bodies is different from Earth. This changes how time works. The LTC will help keep time for spaceships and satellites that need to be very accurate.

A clock from Earth would lose about 58.7 microseconds every day on the moon. There would also be other changes that would make time on the moon different from time on Earth.

With its Artemis program, NASA wants to build a base on the moon and then send astronauts to Mars. Many companies and countries are already working on this.

Without a standard time for the moon, it would be hard to make sure that data is safe and that communication between Earth, the moon, and astronauts is in sync.

On Earth, most clocks use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time is made by many atomic clocks around the world that measure changes in atoms to make a very accurate time.

Atomic clocks might also be needed on the moon.

As more businesses go to the moon, a standard time will be needed. This will help with operations, making sure transactions are reliable, and managing business on the moon.

To make the Coordinated Lunar Time, there will need to be agreements between countries.


  • The White House The place where the President of the United States lives and works; sometimes used instead of “the president” or “the US government”
  • Create – to make something new or original; produce
  • Standard – a set of rules or guidelines that are commonly accepted or followed
  • Space – the area outside of Earth with stars and darkness; 🌌
  • Space body – Any natural object that is in space, like a planet, asteroid or a star
  • Set – To decide or arrange something; 
  • Rule – A guideline or regulation; sometimes a law; A guide that tells us what we should or shouldn’t do
  • Gravity An invisible force that pulls things down; The force that makes things fall to the ground
  • Spaceship – A vehicle designed/made for space travel; 🚀
  • Satellite – a machine in space that flies around the world; a computer in space that sends information to Earth
  • Accurate – Correct; exact; precise
  • Microsecond – A very short amount of time; there are 1,000,000 microseconds in a second
  • Program – project; initiative; a group of activities or things to be achieved; a plan with many parts
  • Base – a place that is the center of operations; camp; headquarters; site; center
  • Astronaut – a person who is trained to travel in space; 🧑‍🚀
  • Mars – the red planet in space next to Earth
  • Data – Information or facts that are collected and stored/kept
  • In sync – When things happen at the same time or move together at the same speed; work well together
  • Atomic clock A type of clock that uses the vibrations of atoms to measure time very accurately
  • Measure – to discover the exact size or amount of something; to learn or figure out the size or weight of something; calculate; quantify
  • Atom – The smallest part of a chemical element that can exist; A tiny building block that makes up everything; A unit of matter
  • Operation – A planned and organized project/mission, especially a military or medical one
  • Transaction – An act of buying or selling something; An exchange
  • Reliable – Can be trusted or depended on; consistently good in quality or performance; you know it will work well or do a good job
  • Agreement – an understanding; a plan or contract made between two or more people/groups


Why did the White House ask NASA to create a new time system for the moon?

How does gravity affect timekeeping on the moon?

The main reason for a lunar time system is to go travel to Mars.

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Discussion Questions

  • Do you agree that it’s important to have a standard time system on the moon or in space? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think agreements between countries are needed to set up the Coordinated Lunar Time?
  • What challenges do you think scientists might face when creating a standard time for the moon?
  • What are your thoughts on the Artemis program’s goal to build a base on the moon and send astronauts to Mars?

Original Story

Fill-in-the-Blank Listening Practice

Listen to the story (New Zealand accent)

The White House _____ asked NASA to create a standard time for the _____ and other space bodies. The U.S. _____ to set rules in space as more countries and _____ are interested in the moon.

NASA was asked to _____ a plan by 2026 for a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC).

The _____ on the moon and other space bodies is different from _____. This changes how time works. The LTC _____ help keep time for spaceships and _____ that need to be very accurate.

A _____ from Earth would lose about _____ microseconds every day on the moon. There would also be other changes that _____ make time on the moon different from time on Earth.

_____ its Artemis program, NASA wants to build a base on the moon and _____ send astronauts to Mars. Many companies and countries are _____ working on this.

Without a _____ time for the moon, it would be hard to make sure that data is _____ and that communication between Earth, the moon, and astronauts is _____ sync.

On Earth, most clocks _____ Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This time is made by many _____ clocks around the world that measure changes in _____ to make a very accurate time.

Atomic clocks might also be _____ on the moon.

As more businesses _____ to the moon, a standard time will be needed. This will help with _____, making sure transactions are reliable, and _____ business on the moon.

To make the Coordinated Lunar Time, _____ will need to be agreements between _____.

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