Finnish Prime Minister Tests Negative for Drugs

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Last week, a video of Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin partying with her friends was posted online. She recently did a drug test because of the video and tested negative.

Marin was tested for a variety of drugs like cocaine, cannabis, opioids and more.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s office said that the test results from August 19 were confirmed by a doctor.

After seeing the video, some people believed there were narcotics at the party. Marin says that she took the drug test to “clear up any suspicions.”

The video of Marin, who is 36 years old, was taken at a house party with Finnish celebrities. It started spreading on social media last week.

Marin says she is upset that private videos of her were shared online. The videos were only meant for friends to see.

She says she drank alcohol at the event, but denied taking drugs. She also says she did not see people at the private party taking drugs.

Marin was first elected prime minister in 2019 at the age of 34. Since then, she has been criticized for parties at her home.

Opinions about the situation are mixed in Finland. Some people support Marin and accept that she parties sometimes. Others worry about her judgment.


  • Finnish – relating to Finland; of Finland
  • Prime minister – the head or leader of an elected government
  • Post – to write or publish something on the internet; to put a message on social media
  • Drug test – a test to check if someone took/used drugs
  • Test negative – the results show you did not take drugs/you are not sick 
  • Variety – different kinds; different types, assortment
  • Statement – a clear message; declaration; announcement 
  • Result – outcome; findings; conclusion; answer; 
  • Confirm – to prove true or accurate; to report that something is true or fact
  • Narcotic – drugs, usually illegal, that change your behavior/mood
  • Suspicion – distrust; a feeling or belief that someone did something wrong
  • Celebrity – a famous person
  • Spread – to open out; to extend over an area; to move apart to cover a bigger area
  • Meant for – intended for; planned for; done for; suitable for
  • Deny – to say that something is not true
  • Criticize – to judge; to find mistakes or problems with something
  • Opinion – a view; belief; point of view; theory; idea
  • Judgment – ability to make decisions; sense; awareness


According to the article, who posted the video of Prime Minister Sanna Marin online?

Prime Minister Sanna Marin tested positive for cocaine, cannabis and opioids

Original story from Al Jazeera below: