US President Biden’s dog has been biting security agents

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Listen to story (Filipino accent)

President Biden’s dog Commander was involved in a series of incidents where he bit Secret Service agents on duty at the White House

The dog bit several agents a total of 10 times during the four-month period between October 2022 and January 2023. One time an agent was sent to the hospital for treatment.

The Bidens brought two German shepherds with them when they moved in to the White House in January of 2021: one dog, Champ, who died that year, and Major, a younger dog from a shelter.

Commander is also a German shepherd. He was brought to the White House as a puppy in December 2021.

The Secret Service said that it takes the safety and security of its employees extremely seriously. The agency also said that it has been working with the Bidens to develop new leash protocols, and better training for Commander.

They also chose safe areas for the dog to run and exercise.

Canine behavior expert Bob Brandau said that animals are very sensitive to their environments and that the White House can be a stressful place for pets. He warned that dogs like Commander can become more comfortable attacking and biting over time.

The Bidens said that they are trying to make this situation better for everyone. They are also considering sending Commander to live with family or friends, like they did with their other dog, Major.


  • Involve – to be a part of; to take part in; to engage with; to participate in
  • A series of incidents – a number of events that happen one after the other; Many things that happen in a row
  • Bite – Using the teeth to cut or clamp onto something
  • Secret Service agent – a person who works for the Secret Service, which is a federal agency that protects the president and other important people.
  • On duty – When someone is working or doing their job, especially related to security, safety and health
  • Period – a length of time; or portion of time
  • Treatment – medical care; surgery; the process of fixing an injury or illness
  • Move in – To go and live in a new place
  • Shelter – a place where people or animals can go to live if they don’t have a home
  • Puppy – A baby dog
  • Take something seriously – To think that something is very important and needs careful attention
  • Employee – a person who is paid to work for a company or organization
  • Agency – an organization, company, or department that provides a service; bureau
  • Develop – to make into something more advanced; to improve; to grow something to become better 
  • Leash – a long piece of rope or chain that is used to control a dog
  • Protocol – Rules or guidelines to follow in certain situations
  • Training – Teaching and learning how to do something; a class or lesson to learn a skill
  • Canine – Another word for a dog; related to dogs
  • Behavior – How someone or something acts or behaves; the way someone is
  • Expert – a person with great knowledge and experience in a trade or profession
  • Environment – the atmosphere or condition; surroundings; mood
  • Warn – to tell someone about something bad or dangerous that might happen; alert; notify
  • Over time – gradually; as time passes; refers to a change or development that happens slowly
  • Consider – to think about carefully; to take ‘something’ into account when thinking or deciding;


When was Commander brought to the White House?

What did the Secret Service do to after the biting incidents?

Commander is a Secret Service dog

Discussion Questions

  • Do you think Commander’s behavior could be changed with better training and leash protocols?
  • How do you feel about having pets in the White House? Do you think it’s a good idea or not? Why?
  • What do you think the Bidens should do with Commander?
  • Why do you think Commander became aggressive and bit the agents?

Original Story

Fill-in-the-Blank Listening Practice

Listen to story (Filipino accent)

President Biden’s dog Commander was _____ in a series of incidents where he bit Secret Service agents on duty at the White House. 

The dog bit several agents a _____ of 10 times during the four-month period between October 2022 and January 2023. One time an agent _____sent to the hospital for treatment.

The Bidens _____ two German shepherds with them when they moved in to the White House in January of 2021: one dog, Champ, who died that year, and Major, a _____ dog from a shelter.

Commander is _____ a German shepherd. He was brought to the White House as a puppy in December 2021.

The Secret Service said that it takes the safety and security of its _____ extremely seriously. The agency also said that it has been working with the Bidens to _____ new leash protocols, and better training for Commander.

They also _____ safe areas for the dog to run and exercise.

Canine behavior expert Bob Brandau said that animals are very _____ to their environments and that the White House can be a stressful place for pets. He warned that dogs like _____ can become more comfortable attacking and biting over time.

The Bidens said that they are _____ to make this situation better for everyone. They are also considering _____ Commander to live with family or friends, like they did with their other dog, Major.