Sweden will build the world’s first electrified highway

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Last month, the European Union (EU) made a new law that all cars sold after 2035 produce zero CO2 emissions

Now, Sweden has plans to turn a highway into an electrified road. When finished, it will be the world’s first permanent electrified highway.

The electrified highway will recharge electric cars and trucks while they drive. It is planned to be built by 2025.

Experts think that charging cars and trucks as they drive will help them travel longer distances with smaller batteries. Also, people won’t have to wait at charging stations while their car recharges.

Trafikverket, the Swedish transport administration, has tested several electrified road projects, including the world’s first temporary electric road. 

Sweden wants to electrify the E20 highway that connects transport hubs Hallsberg and Örebro, located in the middle of the country’s three major cities. 

The charging method for the highway hasn’t been decided yet. They are looking at wireless options and systems that connect to the car or truck while on the road.

Experts think that electric car batteries can be 70% smaller if roads are electrified.

The Electric Road System (ERS) project will have an expansion of 3,000 km of electric road by 2045. Sweden has partnered with Germany and France to share experience and technology.

Other countries like Italy, the UK, the United States, and India are also trying to build ERS systems.

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  • The European Union (EU) – 27 countries in Europe that work closely together
  • Law – a rule, regulation, or guideline set by the government
  • Produce – to create or make something
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) – a colorless gas formed during the combustion of any material containing carbon; a greenhouse gas
  • Emissions – gas, heat, or light that is released or sent out; often refers to pollution from burning fuel
  • Turn into – To change into something else; to transform
  • Electrified – charged with electricity; having electricity run through it
  • Permanent – Lasting for a very long time, or forever
  • Highway – a large road for fast travel over long distances; motorway; freeway; expressway
  • Recharge – To refill a battery’s energy by connecting it to an electrical source; to charge or fill up a battery again
  • Expert – a person with great knowledge and experience in a trade or profession
  • Distance – The amount of space between two points, usually measured in units like meters, kilometers, and feet
  • Charging station – A place where electric vehicles can recharge their batteries
  • Transport (transportation) the movement of people, goods, or materials from one place to another
  • Administration – the group of people in charge of managing a government
  • Test – to do something to learn if it is safe, works correctly, etc.; try out
  • Several – some; more than 2, but not many
  • Temporary – for a short time; not for long; limited period of time
  • Transport hub – A place where different modes of transportation meet, such as airports or train stations; a place where passengers and cargo are exchanged between vehicles and/or between transport modes
  • Located – to be in a particular place; to be found in a specific spot; to be ‘there’;
  • Method – a way of doing something; procedure; technique; approach; way;
  • Wireless – no wires; no cables
  • Expansion – The process of becoming bigger or larger
  • Partner – to join/work with another person or organization in a business activity
  • Experience – Something that you have seen, felt, or done, which has given you knowledge or skill


Welcome to your electrified highway

When is the deadline for cars to produce zero CO2 emissions in the European Union?

What is the main advantage of charging cars and trucks while they drive?

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of an electrified highway? What are the challenges of building ERS on a large scale?
  • Do you think other countries should follow Sweden’s example and build their own ERS (Electric Road System)? Why or why not?
  • Do you think electric cars will eventually replace gasoline-powered cars? Why or why not?
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