Mexico has its first female president – EASY

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On Tuesday, Claudia Sheinbaum became the first female president of Mexico. 

Sheinbaum was also the first female mayor of Mexico City.

In her first speech as president, Sheinbaum thanked the former president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She said he was a very important leader in Mexico’s history.

Sheinbaum said, “It is time for women.” She also talked about her plans as president. 

Sheinbaum wants to make health services better and create 300,000 new jobs in schools and universities. 

But there are also problems, like drugs and gangs

Before becoming president, she was a student activist, scientist, and mayor. She promised to support all Mexicans and defend Mexico. She said, “I won’t let you down.”


  • Female – woman; girl; a person/animal that can produce eggs and give birth to young
  • President – A person who is in charge of a country or a company; the top person/leader of a company or country
  • Mayor – the leader or person in charge of a city
  • Speech – When someone talks to a group of people; a message that someone reads or tells to a group of people
  • Former – previous; past; ex-; before; in the past
  • Leader – someone who is in charge of a group, organization or country; a boss or manager; a person who guides, directs, or commands a group
  • Plan – A detailed idea or strategy to reach a goal; a method, idea or process to achieve a goal;
  • Health services – Medical care; hospitals
  • Drug – any natural or artificially made chemical that is used as a medicine; any natural or artificially made chemical that is taken for pleasure/fun, to improve performance or because a person feels like they need it; something people take to ‘feel good’
  • Gang – A group of people that does bad things; a dangerous group of people
  • Activist – Someone who tries to make changes in the world; 
  • Scientist – a person who studies science or the natural world; researcher; 👨‍🔬🥼🧪🔬
  • Defend – to protect someone or something against attack or criticism; to try to prevent the other team from scoring points, goals, etc.; to speak or write in support of someone or something
  • Let someone down – To disappoint someone; to do something that makes another person sad

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think it is important that Claudia Sheinbaum is the first female president of Mexico?
  • How do you feel about Sheinbaum’s plan to make health services better?
  • Why might drugs and gangs be a big problem for Sheinbaum as president?
  • How do you think Sheinbaum’s past jobs as a student activist, scientist, and mayor will help her as president?

Original Story

Fill-in-the-Blank Listening Practice

Listen to the story (American accent)

On _____, Claudia Sheinbaum became the first female president of _____.

Sheinbaum was also the _____ female mayor of Mexico City.

In her first _____ as president, Sheinbaum thanked the former president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She said he _____ a very important leader in Mexico’s _____.

Sheinbaum said, “It is time for _____.” She also talked about her plans as president.

Sheinbaum _____ to make health services better and create _____ new jobs in schools and universities.

But there are also _____, like drugs and gangs.

Before becoming president, she was a _____ activist, scientist, and mayor. She promised to support _____ Mexicans and defend Mexico. She said, “I won’t let you _____.”